Having a sourdough starter is great because it forces you to attend to it and use it on a regular basis. I now regularly make
sourdough blueberry muffins, which come together really quickly. The funny thing about sourdough is, in most of the recipes I use there is absolutely no sour taste. The bread is usually sweet, in fact. I have read that getting a sourdough to actually taste sour requires some practice. E had wistfully mentioned English muffins a few times recently.. because I use
SPUD, buy in bulk in a food co-op and use other diverse sources for groceries, I make it to a mainstream grocery store about once a month. A few things are massively cheaper, and there is no where else to get decent cottage cheese. Even though I'm pretty sure it has gelatin in it, and I know it has
guar gum in it.. what can you do. I tried live culture cottage cheese once; never again.. It was too funky for me.
Anyhoo. English muffins are another thing only found at the MSGS.. but after seeing
Nicole's post I was inspired. How hard could it be? This answer is: not at all, if you've made buns or bread before. And they are very good with butter and
Bunny Honey. Bunny Honey is produced in the Peace Country (
terroir honey!) and the tetra pak container is genius. Very environmentally friendly (almost no packaging) and no sticky lid to contend with.
I used a recipe at
The Fresh Loaf for the muffins.
This was the issue I had with keeping a starter. I always felt like I was wasting that cup that I threw away each week. I didn't have any ideas for how to use it instead of pitching it.
Yes it definitely keeps you on your toes.. but you know, you don't have to throw away a cup a week. You can reduce how much and how often you feed it (I feed mine 1/2 a cup of flour and 1/2 a cup of water every ten days or so). The cultures are pretty hardy and will even go 3 weeks without being fed and still bounce back. That is risky business though, I will feel pretty bad if I ever kill this 50 year old culture by accident..
yours turned out way better than mine but i am going to try again...for sure...i found my recipe at king arthur flour.
as for sourdough starter apparently i was a bad mother...i will try again because i know i live in a prime sourdough part of the world.
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