A bit of warm weather led to a trip to the wild park and two pounds of rose hips picked in 15 minutes. There were thousands of them. So now I have a local source of Vit C over the winter. The internet tells me (so it must be true..) that compared to oranges, hips have 20-40% more vitamin C, 24% more iron, and 28% more calcium. They also contain bioflavonoids (anti-cancer) and B-complex vitamins.
My plan is to dry some for tea, using
this technique to remove the hairs inside the hips that tend to itch the throat.
I'm also going to make some
syrup to add to drinks when I'm fighting a cold.
I don't have your email so I am responding here to your comment on my granola post...YES standing next to the oven sure helps. On my last bathc I made soup at the same time so I was right there steps away. The recipe I used was from my friend. Check it out. Fast tasty and easy.http://ransackedgoods.typepad.com/ransackedgoods/2009/10/granola-recipe.html
I picked some too! And made a jam out of them - found the recipe here http://www.chelseagreen.com/content/recipe-its-the-perfect-time-for-rosehip-jam/
I marinated the hips in white wine... and the jam is very unusual and verrrry yummy!!!
Karen, I'll have to try that recipe next! I had no idea they would be so fruity, boiling on the stove the smell is amazing. I must admit I may have scoped out the hips that line the road to your place, I thought about going over there to pick more.
Thanks for the link Nicole!
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