Thursday, April 16, 2009

Piss in Bed

.. also known as Lion’s Tooth, Puff Ball, Cankerwort, Prince in Paupers Clothing, Royal Herb. Taraxacum officinale F. Asteraceae. I remember giggling over the French name for dandelions when I was a child.. pissenlit! Piss in bed. Hilarious when you are eight.
Well, right now I am not in bed.. hit with another fit of insomni-argh. The silly thing about insomnia is that you lie awake, getting angrier and angrier at being wide awake.. which doesn't exactly help the mind to be still. I'm trying dandelion root tea with dandelion honey in it at the momment.. hoping for the rumored body calming and sleep inducing effects. This link has got me convinced to cultivate it instead of pulling it out of the lawn this summer. Never mind that the leaves make me gag, try as I might to enjoy them in salad.. oh well after the long winter I think I'll be like Hera in the back yard.. eagerly wolfing down anything green. She has been having grass salads in between regular meals since the snow melted. Have I mentioned that my dog sits and begs for raw kale? She's a true omniovore.


Sarah said...

Great Blog! I'm Peter's girlfriend, he sent me the link. Did the dandelion tea work? I've been plagued by insomnia for the last three weeks...

Anonymous said...

Hi! it was so funny to have Peter tell us about you and then ten minutes later you flashed across the big screen tv..
Yes, stupid insomnia.. I wonder if it's the change in weather or what. I've had the same for three weeks.
I think the dandelion did help somewhat, especially to calm my stomach at the same time. I also took melatonin, which always helps. This one works quite well. It is sublingual and tastes like chalk but it works..

nicole said...

Check this dandelion link out.

Sarah said...

Thanks so much! I'll take the taste of chalk if it comes with sleep!

Love the last post on slowing down... I needed a reminder.