At the moment I have a relatively empty freezer after eating all the food in it over the winter season. I read somewhere along the way (including at Lifehacker) that empty fridges and freezers are really inefficient. I read that you can use boxes full of insulation to fill the empty space, but it just ocurred to me the other day to put the pile of styrofoam packaging I have (which is not recyclable in Calgary and I cringe to toss in the garbage..) in the freezer. I guess I can add that to my list of green micromovements (as SARK would call them).
Post Script: My friend Jodi passed along this gem -- Food in Jars
Fun! I really want to do some canning this year, maybe I'll wait until we move back home and my mom can help? She canned pickles years ago and both my grandma and aunt make fantastic jam. And you know, I'm not sure I know 100% for sure when your wedding is. Congrats either way and good luck!
thanks lesley! it's on saturday, eep! but everything is pretty much sorted. canning is fun (to people like me, anyway..) and so much easier than you would think. when are you moving by the way? I'm happy that I'll be able to continue to hear about your adventures at pink toque...
My goodness, this Saturday?! Holy cow, girl (literally, as it's Stampede) - best wishes and lots of hugs and love, I'm very happy for you both! :) I look forward to seeing pictures!
Well, Lucas doesn't have the date for his immigration appointment to get his green card yet, but it's looking like there may be some openings available for me at my old school district back home, so if I get a job offer this month we'll move at the end of the month to be back in Indiana for August 1 (Schol starts there Aug 17), but it may be last minute, so a lot of craziness will most likely happen sometime this month and then we'll have to quickly turn around and get down there. It shouldn't be too much longer for Lucas's interview, but since he won't have had it by Aug 1, he'll just come down as a "visitor" and be unable to work for a month or so. But it really shouldn't be too much longer! I looked around last night when I realized it was July 1 and the goal is August 1 if I have a job offer, and the enormity of packing the house was a bit overwhelming lol
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