Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Little green steps

At the beginning of the year, I pledged to take one action a week to reduce my environmental impact. I haven't exactly been able to keep up that pace, but I have been working away at it.

1) I have started freezing food in repurposed milk and OJ cartons. My logic is that the waxed cardboard is the cheapest, lightest, and safest alternative to freezing in plastic or glass (one cracked bottle of veggie stock was enough for me to give up on glass). And I can recycle them when they have worn out. Although, odds are it's petroleum based wax. Sigh.

2) I have decided to purchase only local beer from now on, and to look for sources for local spirits. Oh the sacrifices I make.

3) I bought a good stainless steel stove top espresso maker, so that I stop spending money, fuel, and self-respect on cappuccinos at Starbucks.

4) I am phasing out bath soap in plastic bottles. I started with a bar of shampoo.


Anonymous said...

Don't your recipes count? I figure trying to make Sauerkraut from scratch should count for something... Maybe next time you could try to make some "hard" apple cider? I've just tracked down an excellent book on natural fermentation -- Wild Fermentation: The Flavor, Nutrition and Craft of Lve-Culture Foods by Katz (2003) -- it might prove useful in your localvore explorations...

Anonymous said...

I suppose you are right recipes count!
Yes I hope to get into booze making at some point :) I'm allergic to apples (which is too bad since it is the most available local fruit here..) but am looking forward to trying my hand at fruit wines and beer. I've heard great things about Wild Fermentation and will have to get my hands on it sometime, thanks..

franca' said...

That's so good that you're trying not to be a shopper at Starbucks!
Unfortunately, my school is very close to a Starbucks location so many times it's my only choice.
Isn't Starbucks a major chain and very un-environmental? I should probably stop buying there too.

nicole said...

I am interested to know how repurposed oj cartons will work in the freezer. I always end up with a ziplock bag and then feel guilty. Bravo on the espresso maker, I need to get mine out. Beer husband is pretending that his latest venture into beer making is to keep it local but I think he might be mocking me. His first batch was very tasty and 2nd & 3rd are in various stages "in the making". I applaud your urban farmer desires.

nicole said...

I am interested to know how repurposed oj cartons will work in the freezer. I always end up with a ziplock bag and then feel guilty. Bravo on the espresso maker, I need to get mine out. Beer husband is pretending that his latest venture into beer making is to keep it local but I think he might be mocking me. His first batch was very tasty and 2nd & 3rd are in various stages "in the making". I applaud your urban farmer desires.