How awesome is this poster. I saw it downtown last winter, and since the date of the event had passed, I quietly peeled it off the wall and sneaked away.. it now graces the kitchen wall, and it's great to have the great benevolent Suzuki smiling down on us while we eat.
I'm looking forward to the year of the Ox, supposedly Snakes like myself will have success this year. Also I'd like to embrace Ox energy, by working hard, slow and steady. Inspired by greenies like No Impact Man, I've decided I will try to make one small lifestyle change a week this year. Nothing overly ambitious or expensive, just small things. There are some ideas listed on Green My Wallet, many of which I have already done, but the ones left on the list are altogether doable. So I'm gonna do em.
Cynics may argue that such small changes don't make a real difference, but they do make a difference to me and to my state of mind. When I take small steps it brings awareness into my everyday life (a necessary step toward worldwide sustainability..). It's a funny thing... the more you pay attention to details in your everyday life, the more enjoyable each moment becomes. Small things like a new Henkel chef's knife for Christmas (seriously, it has changed my life..) add so much to the every day.
This week.. I changed all the light bulbs in the basement to fluorescents. Huzzah! Only 51 changes to go..
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